Thursday, February 17, 2011

Joy of Love (Day 15)

OK, I can't keep up... maybe, just maybe tomorrow I will catch up. The assignment today was capture a kiss... I didn't think this was going to be a very easy task as my kiddos aren't the most "kissy" kids to each other... Noah was a little under the weather - so to avoid spreading (if that's possible...) we kept him out of this assignment....
So, seriously, this was THE first shot I took...

And the reaction! She said he spit on her and they both laughed and laughed.

Try two - and she is ready to wipe again!

Blech! These two crack me up! I love that Matty is holding on for dear life!

And kiss number three... I talked it up about how sweet it was for Matty to love his sissy because whenever we talk about something sweet - she does that cute little praying hands thing. And, really, Moo is VERY affectionate in general. When he hugs you - he pats your back or shoulder... it wasn't hard to get him to do this...

It was sissy who was the tough one. Don't let the outfit that SHE picked fool you... this thing is sugar AND spice! And, the kissing must be on HER terms... you'll see a little while later HOW I get her on MY terms!

I told him to whisper in her ear...I am not sure what he said but she thought it was funny.

It was downright hilarious! Or it could have been boy disgusting... I'll never know - and I am not sure I want to!

Here she is - about to melt... so before I lost her - I had to make BIG promises...

She wasn't that impressed - but I was with the pose and LOVE the surly smile and result!

Another little promise and the smile comes back!

See, in the Egglet home - we don't work for peanuts... we work for JELLY BEANS! To get the smile - I had to agree to let THEM be able to pick out their own...

Here's Moo being SUPER sneaky! I think for every one he "picked out" for his pile - he put at least 3 in his mouth!

Towards the end she started negotiating ... for ... just ... one.... more....

I told her for one more smooch - she could have ONE MORE!

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1 comment:

K-Mama said...

This whole post is just DARLING! Beautiful pictures, and you captured this little sequence perfectly!